Since our founding in 1863, Davenport has remained employee owned. As owners, we take pride in every aspect of our company, from our highly personal service to our trusted advice. Because of that personal connection, many of the clients who entrust us with their financial futures also grant us discretion to make investment decisions on their behalf. That is why we offer a number of professionally managed strategies.

Davenport Asset Management

Davenport Asset Management invests for individuals and institutions through six distinct equity strategies and a complementary fixed-income strategy. Because we believe so strongly in investing alongside our clients, our firm’s Profit Sharing Plan is invested entirely in Davenport Asset Management strategies.

Davenport Manager Research

Our Manager Research group carefully evaluates exchange traded funds (ETFs), mutual funds and asset managers from around the country. Through proprietary processes, this group maintains dynamic focus lists of recommended investments, and directly manages well-diversified asset allocation portfolios for high net worth individuals and institutions.

Financial Advisor Managed

Regardless of your financial needs, your Financial Advisor will be available to provide guidance or advice along the way. In some cases, clients want to give their Financial Advisor discretion to manage their wealth in a manner that is tailored to their specific needs. With the resources of our Equity Research, Manager Research, Fixed Income and Asset Management groups, we’re well equipped to construct portfolios that meet your needs.